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Saturday, October 20, 2012

one should only sparingly eat fatty foods and other processed foods.

Pregnancy: Is Eating for Two Healthy? by James Pendergraft
Eating for two is not necessary, although this is a common belief among pregnant women. The most common advice that expectant mothers hear is that one should double her food intake because there are now two to share the nutrients from the food taken in. This is an erroneous thinking that needs to be corrected because if such belief persists, then it will be that pregnant women may be putting themselves at risk.
When a woman is pregnant, there may be some weight gain. However, the weight gain should not be from an increased intake of food. Rather, it should come from the growth of the baby. Because the baby is growing, a pregnant woman has to make sure that she and her baby are getting the right amount and kind of nutrients to ensure the health of both of them.
What Is the Proper Diet during Pregnancy?
Eating fresh fruits with doses of green leafy vegetables are great for pregnant women. Moreover, one needs to avoid liquor and stop smoking lest the baby will develop some deformities or health problems. Aside from these, one also needs to remember the following to obtain the right amount of nutrition during pregnancy:
1) Make sure to eat a lot of grains. Grains will give your body protein. As such, grains should comprise the majority of your diet. One will also need to consume fresh fruits and vegetables. Finally, one should only sparingly eat fatty foods and other processed foods.
2) Because a pregnant mother has special needs when it comes to nutrition, one should also instill variety into her diet. This is to make sure that she is getting the right supply of nutrients from various food sources. Moreover, it will also take away the boredom that some mothers feel when they are taking in the same set of food regularly.
3) Make sure that your body has sufficient supply of water,5879 Ugg Classic Cardy Grey Boots. Allowing your body to settle low on water or to get dehydrated is one of the biggest mistakes a pregnant woman can make. While a pregnant woman may feel the occasional thirst for juices, she should remember to take in only fresh fruit juices.
4) Make sure that the food is fresh. This is important in order to obtain the highest level of nutrients for the mother and baby.
Instead of munching in one huge meal that is enough for two people, eat smaller meals at shorter intervals. This is to allow your stomach time to digest what you take in as well as to prevent filling up your stomach, which may cause bloating and later on causes vomiting.
As medical experts suggests, it is not always right to say that one needs to double her food intake to fill up the needs of both the mother and her baby. Doing so may mean more harm than doing good, which may complicate the pregnancy. What is needed is to make sure that mother and child gets the right amount of nutrition from fresh foods.

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