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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

we are able to quickly gain rapport

NLP Practitioner Training
People Building is an NLP and Hypnotherapy Training company based in South East England specialising in courses in Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire at NLP Practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner and Hypnotherapy Diploma level. All of our trainings are accredited by appropriate awarding bodies.
In this article, I am going to discuss some of the course content and explanation of the NLP Practitioner course.
An understanding of the Mind- Body connection In short, when you think about something, chemicals are released in your body. The chemicals that are released will affect your mood and therefore how your body is feeling,global warming, for example, if you think about something that makes you really nervous, you could end up giving yourself an upset stomach,5879 Ugg Classic Cardy Grey Boots. Likewise, the body is connected to your mind, so if you exercise your body, happy chemicals are released and your head feels a happier place to be.
Understand and read body language In NLP we read body language using calibration. This means that we first get an understanding of what a particular gesture, posture of expression mean, then when we later see the same person making that gesture, posture or expression, we know that they are probably feeling the same way as when we saw them do it last. Calibration is important because it stops us from generalising about what a person is feeling. For example, we may generalise that when a person crosses their arms, that they are being defensive, but they may just be feeling chilly!
NLP Presuppositions which positively influence your world These are a list of convenient beliefs that encourage you to consider the impact your communication has on others, and how to treat every result and behaviour as positive, as far as is humanly possible.
Enter someone else's world for greater understanding of others Often we are so trapped in our own idea of life, that we forget that others are constantly having a completely different experience of life to the one we are having. NLP teaches us how to understand and respect another person's perspective.
Communicate effectively Everyone is experiencing the world in a different way, and part of the reason why this happens is because people use their senses in different ways. Some people rely more on their vision, others on their hearing. When a person has a sensory preference this impacts upon the way they understand information and the way they communicate. Using NLP techniques we are able to get onto another person's wavelength and communicate more elegantly.
Have better rapport and quickly gain a connection with others People like people like themselves,you send it back to the chef., and when you have good rapport with someone, you unconsciously mirror each other's physiology,after cropping it and centering it in the frame. By understanding how to use this skill, we are able to quickly gain rapport, and break it when we no longer wish to have it.

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